Spanish Adverbs of Frequency: Spanish Lesson 34

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This is the thirty-fourth lesson in our beginner level Spanish course and we will look at Spanish Adverbs of Frequency.

So far in this course we have been looking at various Spanish verbs and learned how to use them in present tense. We know that a verb is a word that describes an action (e.g. cocinar: to cook, correr: to run, usar: to use, vender: to sell, limpiar: to clean). Adverbs are words which add description to verbs. In this lesson we will look specifically at Spanish Adverbs of Frequency.

Adverbs of Frequency are used to describe how often things happen or how often we do things. They pop up all the time and so are essential to learn early on in your studies.

Spanish Adverbs of Frequency

Siempre: Always
Constantemente: Constantly
A menudo: Often
Diariamente: Daily
Semanalmente: Weekly
Mensualmente: Monthly
Anualmente: Annually
Muchas veces: Many times
Normalmente: Normally
Generalmente: Generally
Usualmente: Usually
A veces: Sometimes
Ocasionalmente: Occasionally
De vez en cuando: From time to time
Pocas veces: Seldom
Apenas: Hardly ever
Nunca: Never
Jamás: Never ever

Todos/as…, Casi…, Cada… & … veces

It is also good to know how to use the following structures for describing how often we do things in Spanish.

Todos/as…: Every…

Todos los días/meses/años/etc: Every day/month/year/etc
Todas las semanas/horas/etc: Every week/hour/etc

Casi…: Almost…
Casi siempre/nunca: Almost always/never

Cada…: Every…
Cada día/semana/mes/hora/etc: Every day/week/month/hour/etc

Una vez: Once
Una vez al día/a la semana/al mes/etc: Once a day/week/month/etc

… veces: … times
Dos/tres/cuatro/etc veces al día/a la semana/al mes/etc: Twice/three times/four times/etc a day/week/month/etc

Spanish Adverbs of Frequency leer

Let’s see some example sentences using Spanish Adverbs of Frequency

Nunca leo libros: I never read (Leer: To read)

Siempre hablo en español: I always speak in Spanish (Hablar: To speak)

A veces escribo cartas: I sometimes write letters (Escribir: To write)

Normalmente trabajo en Madrid: I normally work in Madrid (Trabajar: To work)

Mi madre limpia su casa todos los días: My mother cleans her house every day (Limpiar: To clean)

Nosotros apenas andamos en las montañas: We hardly ever walk in the mountains (Andar: To walk)

Pedro casi nunca usa su teléfono móvil: Pedro almost never uses his mobile phone

Sara y María estudian Francés cada día: Sara and Maria study French every day (Estudiar: To study)

¿Cocináis paella de vez en cuando?: Do you cook paella from time to time? (Cocinar: To cook)

Lavo mi ropa cuatro veces al mes: I wash my clothes four times a month (Lavar: To wash)

Position of Spanish Adverbs of Frequency

Spanish Adverbs of Frequency are very flexible. You can put them before or after the verb. However, you are most likely to see them after the verb.

Spanish Adverbs of Frequency are very useful, that’s for sure! We have practiced using them here with some of regular verbs we have already seen in previous lessons and we hope you have enjoyed lengthening your sentences, adding extra detail and describing your verbs. Keep practicing by making your own sentences to describe things that you always/never/sometimes/rarely/etc do.


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